Welcome to CampusTherapy.com, a subsidiary of The Behavioral Wellness Group.
A teletherapy option for the college student

CampusTherapy.com is a subsidiary of The Behavioral Wellness Group, a private, outpatient practice in Mentor, Ohio that offers psychotherapy and behavioral health services to individuals, couples, families and groups. To learn more about Behavioral Wellness Group, our mission and staff, please visit our website.

College years can be especially stressful. CampusTherapy.com was developed to provide remote therapy services specifically for college students. The ultimate goal is to provide you a path to wellness. We help you shift your focus to positive, healthy thoughts and behaviors, by giving you the skills to actively improve your situation. You will learn how to control the negative thoughts and emotions in your life and develop effective replacements that will have a positive impact on your life.

Reach out to us. You don’t have to do this alone!